Tuesday evening “Prayer & Praise”

St Joseph’s Parish Prayer & Praise
– everyone welcome!

FIRST and THIRD Tuesday of each month, 8pm on Zoom (see joining details below)
[Sep 1st, 15th.   Oct 6th, 20th.   Nov 3rd, 17th.   Dec 1st, 15th]

Join us for about 40 minutes of prayer, singing, Scripture and reflection in a very relaxed, friendly atmosphere.   We have regularly been joined by people from across the Pastoral Area, Diocese and beyond!

Stay online for a while afterwards if you wish to have a bit of a chat – your choice!

People who’ve come say:
“I thought it was a wonderful experience” 
“Thank you for prayer and praise last night – it was lovely to get together as a community and pray – more please!”
“The Praise & Prayer Evening was beautiful and singing with you brought a smile to all our faces “
“Well thought out, prayerful and not too long”
“Really enjoyed learning & praying together like this”
“We both really enjoyed the worship and prayer gathering last night, it was such a blessing”

Join here
(ID 813 9830 2271, PW 297397)


Our parishes are suffering financially as a consequence of the current ‘lockdown’ – regular collections are not happening and income usually generated by hiring out parish halls has stopped.
Of course, some of us as individuals have also been hit financially in these difficult times, but please, if you possibly can, consider how you can offer financial support to your parish during this period.
If you don’t already do so, please consider setting up a regular standing order. You can find your parish’s details in their newsletters, on each parish’s pages or by contacting the parish directly (contact details also on parish pages).
If you pay tax, please GIFT AID your contribution as that makes such a difference, at no extra cost to you. Again, details in newsletters, on our parish pages or by contacting the parish.
Two of our parishes (Christchurch and Southbourne) also have a secure DONATE button on their parish page on our website, which makes giving very easy indeed.

Prayer & Listening Service

  • Would you like someone to pray with you or for you?
  • Are you in need of a listening ear?
  • Are you a busy key worker in need of prayer?

If your answer to any of these is “Yes”, we invite you to make use of our diocese’s new Prayer Support Team

Prayer and listening to God is a vital part of our everyday life, but sometimes it is difficult to pray when we are exhausted or in stressful situations or by ourselves.  Our diocese has created a team with experience in both praying with others and in spiritual listening.  All of our volunteers are trained in this service and have been through the essential safeguarding training and other requirements.   To make use of this free service, all you need to do is fill in a short form on the diocese website requesting a phone call, of 10 – 15 minutes usually.   

Additionally, if you are a key worker, you are invited to give us your name and work place and we will pray for you by name each day. 

Contact the Prayer Support Team to take up any of these offers

Easter poster for your window

Proclaim the message of Easter to your neighbours

You are invited to download and print this poster (A4 pdf) and display it in your window for all passers-by to see. (Why not display more than one…?)

Don’t forget that Eastertide lasts for 50 days – from Easter Sunday right up until Pentecost Sunday (31st May this year), so you can keep your poster(s) up all that time.

Image: the photo is of the Sea of Galilee at sunrise, taken on our recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land 

Holy Week poster

Couldn’t get your usual Holy Week poster from church to display in your window?  Here is one we’ve made for you.  

Anyone is welcome to download and use it – the copyright of the image is free (as long as the text at the bottom is kept on)

Download poster (A4 pdf)