Synod 2023 – Consultation with the Laity

The key question which we are being asked to address is:
‘What changes need to be made – in myself, in our parish, in the Diocese –
to make the Church’s mission today more vibrant and effective?’

‘Synod’ from the Greek, means ‘walking together’; we are asked to talk and to listen to others, in responding to this question.

Please start with PRAYER – to the Holy Spirit, for guidance, reflect on a passage of scripture (eg Acts 2: 1-4); we are also asked to talk, and to listen, to others (‘walking’ with them).

Pope Francis and the Bishops have emphasised that they want to hear also from those who are on the margins and those who have turned their backs
on the Church. Please do ask those you know, who may be in this situation,
for their thoughts and use the Response Sheet to respond.
To enable us to be able to summarise views, we have prepared a Response Sheet, which can be seen and dowloaded HERE.
The deadline for responses is 13 February. Please email responses to or ‘post’ them through the Presbytery door.

We are also offering the following opportunities for parishioners to engage with this process:
1. MEETING at St Joseph’s Church/Centre:
    Wednesday 2 February, 10.45-12.15
2. ZOOM MEETING online:
     Saturday 5 February 10.00-11.30am (Further details to follow)