On Saturday 1st May, our parish celebrated a special Mass to mark this feast of St Joseph, one of our parish patron saints, and to give thanks for all those who work in any way in our parish to build God’s kingdom in this place and time
At this Mass, a new candle to mark the ‘Year of St Joseph’, specially made for our parish, was processed in and placed in front of the lectern, together with an original painting, a meditation on ‘St Joseph the Worker’. We thank Chris Bryden for commissioning two of her talented friends, Imelda and Liza from Winchester, to make these for us.
We also thank our very own parish craftsman, Roger, for making the candle-holder.
At the end of Mass, Chris led us in a reflection on St Joseph and we began a Novena to St Joseph, which we are all invited to continue praying at home over the next nine days. You can view or download the Novena booklet here.
We pray especially at this time for all those who work tirelessly in our parish community, for all who are working long hours in challenging conditions and for those who have been made unemployed as a result of this pandemic.
St Joseph: Pray for us