What an evening!

On Wednesday 5th June, over 70 people from across our Pastoral Area and beyond gathered in St Joseph’s Church in Christchurch for this term’s Welcome to Worship evening.

Since it was just a few days before the great feast of Pentecost, our theme was:  “Do not quench the Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 5:19)


We began with some great contemporary worship music and singing, led by a wonderrful band of musicians and singers from across the Pastoral Area.  Then, after listening to our scripture reading (Acts 1:6-9 “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you“), the short talk focused on the impact of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, followed by a powerful prayer for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all of us present.  We then entered a wonderfully prayerful and moving period of silent reflective activities to help us respond in whatever way we chose – a ‘Bible Fire Dip’ of Holy Spirit scripture verses, a creative ‘Flame Prayers’ area, a chance to recommit to our Baptismal promises in a practical way and an opportunity for silent prayer ministry.

This was then all drawn together in communal prayer and a final joyful time of praise and worship, before everyone headed to the Parish Centre for some welcome refreshments.

Some comments spontaneously sent in next day by people who were there:

WOW! …the most beautiful, spiritual and moving Welcome to Worship “Do not quench the Spirit”. The display on the Sanctuary steps was so powerful it really captured The Holy Spirit. … Everything about last night was so memorable: the prayer stations, the worship music, and scripture reading and the peaceful reflective activities.

… another wonderful Welcome to Worship evening in preparation for Pentecost. Really enjoyed it. So prayerful, peaceful but powerful as well

The highlight for me was when I was prayed over during Silent Prayer Ministry …I felt the most inner peace inside and the warmth of The Holy Spirit upon me.

…Surrounded by so many happy people I was so aware of the holy spirit… I thought St Joseph’s was a side room of Heaven yesterday.

… another wonderful welcome to worship. The talk was spot-on and the music beautiful.

You can see more pictures and information here

For general information about our Welcome to Worship evenings visit our dedicated Welcome to Worship page

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